dear 2021.


Dear 2021,

I have wished for your appearance for most of this year. I have longed for you to replace the wounded and battered spot 2020 once held inside of me, and have imagined the future you and I will have together, many times. 

Now we are a few hours away from meeting and I am nervous. What if you let me down? What if I let you down? What if the rotten edges of 2020 seep into you, contaminating you?

Tonight, whilst I fall asleep, I will say my well-rehearsed farewell to 2020, and to the strange, upsetting and difficult year I have had. 

I will also welcome you into my life.

Whilst I may be reserved or quiet, and may not be celebrating the new year like I did before, I am still excited to see where you take me. 

I would like to let you know, that although I may appear fragile, with the wounds of 2020 still raw, do not underestimate my strength and resilience. I have an exceeding determination to share a wonderful year with you, and I will do everything in my power to ensure this.

So please, be kind, and let’s have an amazing year together. 


Britt x


diary of an unhappy uterus | part seven.


diary of an unhappy uterus | part six.